Published inStackademicThe Ultimate Guide to Validation Patterns in SwiftUINo paywall version: 19, 202424Dec 19, 202424
Published inStackademicDeep Dive into Environment in SwiftUILearn the purpose of Environment in SwiftUI. Differences between re-evaluation vs re-rendering and ObservableObject vs @Observable macro.Dec 16, 2024821Dec 16, 2024821
Published inStackademicSimplifying List Sorting in SwiftUI: A Guide to Custom Environment ValuesIn React, hooks are special functions that enable you to tap into React’s state and lifecycle features within function components…Oct 28, 20245Oct 28, 20245
Published inStackademicThe What-If ArchitectureLately, I have been thinking about the “What-If Architecture”. Most people commonly refer to it as YAGNI (You Aren’t Gonna Need It). I was…Oct 13, 202491Oct 13, 202491
Published inStackademicThe Hidden Cost of AI-Generated Unit Tests: Sacrificing Domain KnowledgeThe article’s main point isn’t about mistrusting AI-generated code but about the missed opportunity to learn domain rules. Manually writing…Oct 3, 202430Oct 3, 202430
Published inStackademicNavigation Patterns in SwiftUINavigation has often been a challenge in SwiftUI applications. Initially, SwiftUI introduced NavigationView, which was later replaced by…Sep 30, 20241881Sep 30, 20241881
Introduction to Communication Patterns in SwiftUISwiftUI provides a powerful and declarative way to build UIs, allowing views to react to state changes automatically. However, managing…Sep 25, 2024241Sep 25, 2024241
Published inStackademicGlobal Sheets Pattern in SwiftUICentralized Sheet Management: Simplifying SwiftUI PresentationsSep 5, 202451Sep 5, 202451
The Ultimate 70+ Hours iOS Development BootcampMy brand new course “The Ultimate 70+ Hours iOS Development Bootcamp” is now available. This course covers a lot of topics including.May 4, 202425May 4, 202425
RealityKit Workshop Feb 24, 2024Embark on a journey into the fundamentals of RealityKit applications, where we unravel the essential elements of entities, components, and…Feb 1, 20241Feb 1, 20241
The What-If ArchitectureLately, I have been thinking about the “What-If Architecture”. Most people commonly refer to it as YAGNI (You Aren’t Gonna Need It). I was…Dec 9, 20231362Dec 9, 20231362
The Complete Guide to JSON Web Tokens (JWT) Authentication in iOSAuthentication is a cornerstone of application development, safeguarding user interactions in both client and server applications. In a…Dec 6, 20231572Dec 6, 20231572
Convenience Property Wrappers vs Custom Data Access Layer in SwiftUIYesterday, I had the opportunity to speak at WomenWhoCode Mobile event. It was a remote event and well attended. I spoke about SwiftUI…Dec 6, 202321Dec 6, 202321
Published inBetter ProgrammingThe Ultimate Guide to Building SwiftData ApplicationsSwiftData made its debut at WWDC 2023 as a replacement for the Core Data framework. Serving as a wrapper on top of Core Data, SwiftData…Jan 7, 20242544Jan 7, 20242544
Building Large-Scale Apps with SwiftUI: A Guide to Modular ArchitectureUpdated article is available at 1, 20234041Mar 1, 20234041
Becoming an iOS Developer — The Complete Guide 2023It always excites me to see so many people jumping into iOS development. We have a great community with lot of talented people and it is…Nov 8, 20221241Nov 8, 20221241
Published inBetter ProgrammingEvolving SwiftUI Architecture for Client-Server AppsApplying React.js learnings to SwiftUIOct 30, 2022931Oct 30, 2022931
Embracing Core Data in SwiftUILast year I was working on an app which was using the Core Data framework as a persistent medium to the SQLite store. I was reluctant to…Oct 15, 2022221Oct 15, 2022221
Published inBetter ProgrammingSwiftUI Architecture — A Complete Guide to MV Pattern ApproachInstead of fighting the framework, try to embrace itOct 14, 20224701Oct 14, 20224701
Published inBetter ProgrammingMV State Pattern — A Better Way of Building SwiftUI AppsIntroducing the MV PatternAug 18, 20221741Aug 18, 20221741